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Birds Nest Toast

Bird’s Nest Toast

Breakfast/Lunch/Supper/Snack Crediting for Ages 3-5

Total Time

10 minutes

Serving Size

1 slice



meat and grains


Meat/Meat Alternate, Grains


  • 8 slices 100% whole wheat bread
  • 8 large whole eggs
  • Canola oil spray


  1. With a round cookie cutter, cut a circle in the center of each bread slice.
  2. In a medium skillet on medium heat, lightly spray canola oil on the pan. Place the bread with the center cut out onto the pan, then crack an egg into the center of the bread.
  3. Cook for 1-2 minutes, or until bread becomes toasted on the bottom. Then flip and cook on the other side until bread is slightly toasted.
  4. Serve the Bird's Nest Toast alongside the cut-out piece of bread.

One serving provides 2 oz meat alternate and 1 oz eq grains.

Creditable Stamp 2017